Thursday Feb 22, 2024

Kingdom Perspectives, Sanctification in Marriage, and Rediscovering Communication What Women Think Episode 29:

๐ŸŽ™๏ธ An Epiphany with Tiffany: Episode 29 - "Kingdom Perspectives, Sanctification in Marriage, and Rediscovering Communication"๐ŸŒŸ

Join me in Episode 29 of the "What Women Think" series on "An Epiphany with Tiffany" as we embark on a soul-stirring exploration of profound topics that resonate with the heartbeat of every woman's journey. ๐Ÿ’–โœจ In this episode, we open our hearts to essential themes that touch the core of our lives, relationships, and faith.

๐ŸŒŸ Key Topics:

  1. Kingdom Views Over Political Ones: Delve into the significance of prioritizing kingdom perspectives over political ideologies. Our temporary home is a part of a divine kingdom, and our citizenship lies beyond worldly boundaries.

  2. Expanding Horizons: Step outside our comfort zones to observe and engage with the broader world. We discuss the impactful ministry of Tim Keller, exploring how his teachings can shape our worldview.

  3. Sanctification in Marriage: Uncover the sanctification process within the sacred union of marriage. Become a piece of God's art together as we navigate the transformative journey of growing in faith and love.

  4. Challenging Our Perspectives: Embrace the beauty of challenging our views, fostering personal growth, and deepening our understanding of God's purpose for our lives.

  5. Relationship Dynamics: Explore love languages, the significance of filling each other's cups, and the art of serving others within the context of a relationship.

  6. Singles in Community: Delve into the healthy dynamics of singles within a community, meeting each other's needs with boundaries that foster growth, connection, and self-awareness.

  7. Communication Mastery: Discover what effective communication looks like in relationships, emphasizing the importance of understanding, empathy, and openness.

  8. Redeeming Sexuality: Navigate the process of redeeming sexuality after grappling with the impact of purity culture, fostering a healthier understanding and expression of this vital aspect of our lives.

  9. Connecting Churches and Singles: Discuss the need for churches to establish meaningful connections with and for singles, fostering a supportive community that addresses the unique needs and journeys of individuals.

  10. Get Out and Meet Other Singles: Encouragement to step out, engage, and build connections with fellow singles, recognizing the beauty of shared experiences and mutual growth.

Tune in to Episode 29 for a transformative and enriching conversation that resonates with the heart of every woman, fostering growth, understanding, and connection in our journey with faith, relationships, and self-discovery.


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